
Below you will find a few meditation practices I recorded in 2017. These are popular, effective meditations and these words are not original to me. If you have never meditated before, welcome. The best advice I can give you is to not ever consider getting “better” at your meditation practice. Rather, get consistent. I am happy to attempt to answer any questions you may have.
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This short meditation establishes the breath as an anchor to return our awareness back to the present moment.
A great meditation to start with.

Another mindfulness based meditation on the breath.

In times like these, grounding is a must. Relax and reconnect to the present moment through this meditation. This can be practiced sitting in a chair, seated on the floor, or laying down in a comfortable position. It is most important that you feel comfortable and able to relax .

Loving Kindness meditation, also known as Metta, involves mentally sending goodwill, kindness, and warmth towards others by silently repeating a series of mantras.